What’s New?

Nutrition Updates for School Year 2024 - 2025

This year we are joining the National School Lunch Program in order to be able to offer free lunch and breakfast to all of our students everyday.  We encourage you all to consider participating in the program as higher participation makes a huge difference to our program.

The National School Lunch program will bring a number of changes to our nutrition program. One change you will soon see is that we are moving to a new software program called School Cafe to track our program.  In School Cafe, pre-ordering will not be required.  Students will have an account to track what they select for lunch and students will have a card with a barcode, just like last year.  

Another change is that 1-8 grade students will not be able to pick and choose what they select.  In order for us to get reimbursed students must take the entire lunch.  9-12 graders will get a little more choice, but must still choose an entire meal. This means that if students take a partial meal (a la carte) they will get charged for that meal.  Please help us to train your students to take the entire meal served to them.  Also, if seconds are available that day, and a student wants to have another meal, they will have to be charged full price for that food.

We do our absolute best not to turn students away if they ask for food.  We have always held this belief.  So with the national school lunch program we will be training the staff and kids on what a fully reimbursable meal is - but we need your support to help coach the kids.  

You will also see changes to our menu this year.  The menus will be available for you to see soon through School Cafe and below.

Finally, the Application for Educational Benefits is still deeply important to the school.  Not only does it translate to money for the school in what is called compensatory aid, but also helps us sort out whether the state or federal government is paying for your child’s free breakfast or lunch.  

We look forward to serving you,

Your friends in the Great River kitchen, Dan, Tess, Julie and Mel

Food Forms For Families

  1. Complete the Educational Benefits Application: If you haven’t already, please fill out the attached application form. It helps us get the appropriate funding as a school.
    (Additional languages available: Spanish, Hmong, Somali, Karen)

  2. Submit the GRS Google Form: This tells our staff if your child intends to eat lunch at school. This should be completed for each child that attends GRS. 

  3. If your child has a medical dietary need (and they plan to each lunch at school), this Special Diet Statement Form will need to be filled out by your child's licensed physician, physician assistant or certified nurse practitioner. (Note: Lactose- free milk may be provided without a physician's note) 

    1. The Special Diet Statement Form must be submitted in order for your child to have a free lunch specific to their dietary needs. As always, students are able to purchase food al a carte from nutrition services or bring food from home that meets their dietary needs. 

Why This Matters:

  • Access to Healthy Meals: Ensures your child receives nutritious meals at school.

  • Support for Our School: Helps our school receive funding that supports various programs and services.


We will want feedback as the year progresses, and keep in mind that we are always evolving this model! You can email lunch@greatriverschool.org with any feedback you may have.

Program Mission

Questions can be directed to lunch@greatriverschool.org.

Quick Links

Application for Educational Benefits (free/reduced lunch) - English

Application for Educational Benefits - (free/reduced lunch) - Spanish

2024–25 Solicitud de Beneficios Educativos - Español

Application for Educational Benefits - (free/reduced lunch) - Hmong

2024-25 Daim Ntawv Thov Kev Pab Cuam - Hmoob

Application for Educational Benefits - (free/reduced lunch) - Somali

2024–25 Codsi ku saabsan Faa'iidooyinka Waxbarashada - Somali

Application for Educational Benefits - (free/ reduced lunch) - Karen

GRS School Lunch Sign-up Form
This tells our staff if your child intends to eat lunch at school. This should be completed for each child that attends GRS.

Special Diet Statement Form
Will need to be filled out by your child's licensed physician, physician assistant or certified nurse practitioner. (Note: Lactose- free milk may be provided without a physician's note) 

The Special Diet Statement Form must be submitted in order for your child to have a free lunch specific to their dietary needs. As always, students are able to purchase food al a carte from nutrition services or bring food from home that meets their dietary needs.