Substitute Teaching Opportunities at GRS

We employ adults who reflect the heritage, backgrounds, & experiences of all the neighborhoods where our students live. We seek employees who hold Montessori credential, and we are also excited to recruit and support adults committed to pursuing training & teaching for equity and justice at an innovative school.

Scroll down below to see school-wide, licensed & non-licensed roles we are currently hiring. We also share a few volunteer opportunities at the bottom. All positions are listed in alphabetical order by category.

To apply for any position, send a resume and letter of interest to

Substitute Teachers - Rolling Hiring!

On-Call Substitute Teachers

We are seeking to add teachers to our substitute teachers’ list for this school year! Our district supports the application and paperwork for any person with a B.A. interested in serving as an on-call substitute teacher at Great River School.

For all positions, we seek educators interested in extending public Montessori and focusing on anti-bias and social justice curriculum implementation.

Licensed Sub Positions: 

In order to work as a licensed substitute, you need a teaching/sub license. If you are not licensed, but have a BA, Great River School will assist in obtaining licensure, and will reimburse the licensing fee. Licensed positions include:

  • Lower Elementary Guides (Grades 1-3)

  • Upper Elementary Guides (Grades 4-6)

  • Lower Adolescent Guides (Grades 7-9)

  • Upper Adolescent Guides (Grades 10-12)

  • Special Education Guides

Non-Licensed Sub Positions:

Unlicensed Sub Positions:

In order to work as an unlicensed substitute, you do not need a teaching or sub license, nor do you need a BA. Unlicensed positions include:

  • Elementary Assistant Guide

  • Adolescent Assistant Guide

  • Special Education Educational Assistant

  • Food/Nutrition Service

  • Office Support

  • Health Office (training is required in order to administer medications)

 Both licensed and unlicensed subs require an interview with HR and a background check. For more information, contact Liz Perez (Sub Coordinator) at To apply, email your cover letter and resume to Maiya Yang (HR Coordinator) at and indicate whether you are applying to a licensed or unlicensed substitute position.

Liz Perez (she/her)
Substitute Coordinator & Building Substitute
651-560-7202 (text only)

Office Hours
Remote hours (Monday - Friday: 6:00 AM - 8:00 AM)
In-office hours (Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM)