LIST League soccer signup for grades 5-8

LIST co-ed soccer will run from September-November. We anticipate offering one 5-6 team and one 7-8 team.

Practices will be at McMurray fields north of Great River Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:15-5:30 pm, with games on Wednesdays (gr 5-6 team) or Fridays (gr 7-8 team). 

Grade 5-6 coaches: Joe Brennan and Chris Bock

Grade 7-8 coach: Corey Peterson (and 2nd coach if there is interest)

Cost is $150 (jersey, league and coach fee)

Sign up here to indicate your interest, and you'll be contacted with team and payment information. Please note that space is limited and we will create a waitlist when teams are full.